The Night Waltz Ketubah

Created byTinak

The Night Waltz catch­es a snap­shot of the com­plete­ly ro­man­tic and in­ti­mate first dance. Any cou­ple un­der­stands those mo­ments in life that you will re­mem­ber for the rest of your lives.

The Night Waltz Ke­tubah con­tains all the most ro­man­tic el­e­ments of a cou­ple. The mys­tery and ro­mance of night with the con­trast of hap­pi­ness and warmth of the day. It’s the per­fect bal­ance — just like a cou­ple that is tru­ly in love, a per­fect bal­ance to each other.

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