The No. 36 Or­ange & Pur­ple Ketubah

Created byTinak

A Jew­ish-émi­gré to the Unit­ed States flee­ing the op­pres­sion of tsarist Rus­sia, Mark Rothko was among the ear­li­est avant-garde of ab­stract ex­pres­sion­ism, as much as he dis­liked this la­bel. In­spired by the in­ti­mate con­nec­tion be­tween painter and spec­ta­tor, Rothko’s ‘mul­ti­form’ works in­ten­tion­al­ly il­lic­it the range of hu­man emotions.

The No. 36 Or­ange & Pur­ple Ke­tubah cap­tures the depth of feel­ing as if the painter had sketched it him­self. The warm or­ange, yel­low, and red hues are care­ful­ly bal­anced by the plum in­set re­call­ing the ec­sta­sy, joy, and love of life­long re­la­tion­ships. We love this Ke­tubah be­cause it rep­re­sents every­thing a mean­ing­ful part­ner­ship should be—and we’d love it on our wall!

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