The Star­ry Sea Ketubah

Created byTinak

The beach al­ways been the per­fect place to cel­e­brate fam­i­ly, ro­mance, and the beau­ty of cre­ation. The Star­ry Sea Ke­tubah is in­spired by the canon­i­cal work of Vin­cent Van Gogh, but com­bines the bold shades of sun­set at the shore to cre­ate a dra­mat­ic scene full of emo­tion and qui­et con­tem­pla­tion rich with color.

The Star­ry Sea Ke­tubah doesn’t just de­pict the Beach, but the beau­ty of love. Look close­ly at the shore­line, and you’ll see the shad­ows of a cou­ple walk­ing to­geth­er, re­flect­ed in the gold shim­mer of the sun’s light. Per­fect for lovers of the Beach, Van Gogh afi­ciona­dos, and the ones they love.

Notes: The pro­por­tion of this Ke­tubah is dif­fer­ent from oth­ers on our site. The Medi­um or Clas­sic ke­tubah size, for this one, is 12×24 (in­stead of the usu­al 16×24); and the Large size for this ke­tubah is 15×30 (in­stead of 20×30).

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