Un­der the Eclipsed Moon Ketubah

Created byTinak

The eclipsed moon en­gulfs the words of a sa­cred promise in this post-mod­ern piece. The ce­les­tial in­spired ke­tubah clev­er­ly blends two con­trast­ing cos­mic im­ages in­to one as stripes cen­tered around the silent queen of the night and tides. Earth’s old­est com­pan­ion has al­ways stayed by its side, shin­ing it with light to dri­ve out the dark­ness when­ev­er it is around. The twin­kling stars, plan­ets and galax­ies sub­tly weaved in­to the back­ground of the ke­tubah speak of un­fa­mil­iar ter­ri­to­ries wait­ing to be explored.

This ke­tubah is per­fect for cou­ples who draw strength from each oth­er; the cou­ples who re­ly on each oth­er in the dark times, as well as, the good. Like the moon, these cou­ples nev­er stray too far from each other’s side, at­tract­ed to each oth­er by a force stronger than grav­i­ty. They silent­ly watch guard over one an­oth­er, for­ev­er forged in a bond steeped in bal­ance and stability.

The Un­der the Eclipsed Moon Ke­tubah is part of the Un­der the Moon Se­ries of Ke­tubah. Please see the se­ries page to see the same ke­tubah in dif­fer­ent colours.

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